Top 10 most dangerous animals

Top 10 most dangerous animals – Deadliest Animals

dangerous animals: Many of us automatically think of creatures with gnashing teeth or razor sharp claws. such as Animals like lions, tigers, jaguars, sharks, and grizzly bears inspire plenty of fear. Many of the deadliest animals in the world  however are quite small and sometimes even innocent looking.We may think of some of these animals as friendly or harmless, but sometimes even friendly seeming species become dangerous.Let’s take a look at Top 10 most dangerous wild animals you should avoid.Feel free to add other deadly creatures to the comments. Top 10 most dangerous animals

Top 10 most dangerous animals

10. Hippopotamus

Top 10 most dangerous animals
Top 10 most dangerous animals

The Hippopotamus lives in Africa in areas south of the Sahara desert and is the third largest land animal in the world. It is an extremely large animal, weighing in at up to 1500 kilograms. Hippos are usually found in Africa and are responsible for more human fatalities on the continent than any other large animal. Male and female hippos tend to have different reasons for attacking. A male hippo will defend its territory, which runs along the bank of a river or lake, whereas the female becomes aggressive in defending her young.Although they have short legs, they can run up to 30 km per hour.The hippopotamus is very unpredictable and aggressive which makes it one of the Top 10 most dangerous wild animals. Although they are primarily plant-eaters, but they can prey other animals and humans also as their lunch or dinner.they have been known to attack and kill people with their massive size, unexpectedly and without being provoked.

09. Jellyfish

Top 10 most dangerous animals
Top 10 most dangerous animals

Jellyfish commonly known as the sea wasp, The Jellyfish killing more then 100 per year provides a good example of why these graceful, free-floating marine creatures can also be some of the world’s deadliest living organisms.they are all quite dangerous. They are mostly found around the Australian coastline  and are most commonly seen in the summer months. Just like any animal, however, jellyfish take no prisoners when they feel threatened they protect themselves on that time. Box jellyfish they actively swim to hunt their prey, and a nice human leg or arm can suffer some serious collateral damage. they usually hunt sea small animals or even humans also.

08.Cape Buffalo

Top 10 most dangerous animals
Top 10 most dangerous animals

The Cape buffalo is a large animal which can grow 1.7 meters tall and 3.4 meters long. They weigh up to 900 kilograms. Cape buffalos are very dangerous to humans and are known to kill in excess of 200 people every year by ramming and trampling them. Herd members are quick to defend each other from lions, crocodiles, or hunters, by ramming the predator with their sharp horns and also may kill them is some cases.Sometimes a wounded bull will circle around to ambush its hunter from behind.They are known to attack without being provoked and have very thick skin that requires the use of a powerful rifle to slow them down.The Cape buffalo kills more people in Africa on an annual basis than any other animal, making it one of the 10 most dangerous animals in the world.

07. Boomslang

Top 10 most dangerous animals
Top 10 most dangerous animals

The boomslang is a large, venomous snake in the family of Colubridae Although they are relatively shy and don’t generally attack humans, when they do, things can get messy and even become more complicated. Boomslang venom is a hemotoxin that disables blood clotting. There poison is very Deadly  its victims slowly die as they bleed out from every pore in their body.These snakes can grow up to 160 cm in length and range in color from light green or blue to brown. They have 3 fangs that are 3-5 millimeters long with a 0.5-millimeter diameter.

06. Lion

Top 10 most dangerous animals
Top 10 most dangerous animals

A full-grown male lion is about 6 inches taller than a tiger and weighs anywhere from 330 to 550 lbs that is 150- to 250 kg. Kings of the jungle and one of nature’s most brilliant predators, lions are fast, cunning and extremely powerful, they have a sixth sense for hunting and they aren’t very discriminating when it comes to a red-meat dinner. They do it very Fast. Lions are found on the plains of Africa but are also held in captivity around the world in zoos and reserves. Lions simply see humans as slower, but usually they prey Deer and case of humans They caused over 250 deaths per year.

05. Polar Bear

Top 10 most dangerous animals
Top 10 most dangerous animals

The polar bear is native to the land and water within the Arctic Circle. It is the largest meat-eating animal in the world, and can weigh up to 700 kilograms and can be up to 3 meters in length. Polar bears are excellent swimmers and very effective predators with their keen sense of smell. Their food of choice is seals.Although polar bears are more apt to run than fight when provoked, they have been known to attack, kill, and eat humans. They are also fearless and very powerful and have no natural predators.

04. Black Mamba

Top 10 most dangerous animals
Top 10 most dangerous animals

The black mamba is a venomous snake endemic to sub-Saharan Africa. It takes its common name not from the color of its scales,
but from the interior of its mouth, which is inky-black. It is the longest species of venomous snake on the African.This snake may look less fearsome than the hooded cobra, but it is arguably more dangerous. It can strike very quickly and can also chase its victims at an incredible speed. It chooses to do this quite often without any provocation whatsoever.

03. Deathstalker Scorpion

Top 10 most dangerous animals
Top 10 most dangerous animals

The Deathstalker Scorpion mostly lives in desert regions from North Africa to the Middle East.This yellow scorpion can grow up to 77 millimeters in length.The scorpion’s venom is lethal for adults, but its sting is extremely painful and very poisonous.This is not the case with old, sick or young people,whose risk of dying is much greater, even if antivenin is used as treatment. This type of scorpion is the 3rd most venomous worldwide and is responsible for 75% of deaths caused by scorpion stings each year.

02. Cone Snail

Top 10 most dangerous animals
Top 10 most dangerous animals

Another ocean dweller to be wary of is the cone snail. It may not look like much, and you may easily mistake it for any other snail on the beach, but it is extremely deadly. Just one drop of its venom can kill twenty human adults. There is no antivenin, which means that if you are stung, you will almost certainly be dead within minutes.

01. Africanized Honey Bee

Top 10 most dangerous animals
Top 10 most dangerous animals

Africanized honey bees, also known as killer bees, were originally created by cross breeding African bees with European bees in an effort to produce more honey to meet the more demand of honey across the world.They were kept in quarantine until 26 swarms of them escaped in 1957. This caused them to spread out from Europe and into America. The extent of the location of
these bees increases year over year.These bees are known for their defensive behavior and tendency to swarm in excessively large numbers. They are much more aggressive than regular bees and chase perceived threats for a much longer distance.They are very deadly. and most dangerous wild animals on the earth.